Create categories of questions

Why card categories

In Q&As for longer or more complex documents there may be numerous datafields, as a result of which the Q&A can grow very long. The user, in turn, may get lost within the Q&A or struggle to find a question he or she is looking for.

To make the use of Q&As more convenient, Clause9 allows you to create card categories! They can be seen on top of the Q&A, enabling the user to quickly and easily find the question he was looking for under the tab. It also makes completing a questionnaire a more easily digestible experience for all users.

How to create a new category

You can create a new category following these steps:

How to add a card to an existing category

You can add a card to an existing category by following these steps:

  1. Click the name of the desired category in the drop-down menu.

Once you have opened the Categories -window, you can create all the categories you need at once. Then, you only need to assign to each card the desired category through the drop-down menu, without the need to go back to the Categories -window every time.

Find more information about the cards-pane here.

Last updated