Bold, italic and underline

Do you actually want to force styling?

Clause9 encourages you to minimise the amount of styling you embed in a clause. Ideally, clauses do not contain any styling — such as bold, italic and underline — because all styling will then be completely determined by the user of the clause.

This encourages reusability of clauses, since different departments (or even different clients of a law firm) can all use the same clause, but with widely different styling.

Even so, there are situations where you can be really sure that some styling must be applied. In such situations, it can come in handy to force certain parts of the text to be bold, italic or underline. Other styling deviations (e.g., coloring, borders, line spacing) are also possible.


You can force text parts to become bold by enclosing them in ~ tildes ~:

Some ~bold~ word.


You can force text parts to become italic by enclosing them in ``backticks`

Some `italic` word.


You can force text parts to become bold by enclosing them in \ backslashes \:

Some \underlined\ word.


You can combine bold, italic and underline any way you like. For example:

Some \~bold and underlined~\ words.
Some `~italic and bold~`  words.

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