Attribute models

On the attribute models page, you can see which attributes are currently available, add new attributes and delete existing attributes. For more information on what attributes are, what types of attributes are available and how they work, please go to the general Attributes article.

By default, attributes are grouped alphabetically on this page. By selecting the relevant option, you can group them per type or per category label.

Creating a new attribute

Attribute access bundles

You can define which access bundle can access the new attribute you are creating or editing by selecting the relevant access bundle here:

A typical scenario is to assign an access bundle to a certain group (e.g., a certain department within a company). Please note that the software automatically creates access bundles for groups for which it was indicated that a group library should be created; for groups without a group library, you first need to create an access bundle.

Please note that, within the access bundle, a group needs to be assigned “use” rights in order to actually be able to assign an attribute to a certain file.

In other words, if none of the groups within the access bundle has “use” rights, then no one will be able to actually assign that attribute to a file.

Last updated