Custom homepage

Clause9 allows you to create custom home pages for your users through the Homepage tab of the Admin section. You can even differentiate between different departments (groups) or individual users.

Tiles versus homepages

In order to create custom home pages, you will first have to understand the difference between tiles and homepages. Understanding both concepts is crucial to understand how you can fine-tune home pages, while at the same time maximizing reuse of elements across different homepages.

  • A tile is a reusable part of a custom home page. Different types of tiles can be created (e.g., a video tile, a text tile, a tile with a list of Q&As, etc.). You can create an unlimited amount of tiles, and each tile can then end up in zero, one or more pages. Note that creating a tile on itself does not do anything — you really have to assign it to at least one homepage in order for it to be useful.

  • A homepage consists of a set of tiles. You can create an unlimited number of homepages, and then assign it to one or more specific users and/or Clause9 groups. You can also set a homepage as your organisation’s default custom homepage.

Creating tiles

For each tile, you are strongly advised to fill in the title of this tile, as this title is not only shown towards the end user (in the top left corner of each tile, except if actively disabled through the “Hide title towards the end-user” option), but is also used in several places in the administration module.

Creating a custom home page

After you have created one or more tiles, you can assign them to one or more custom home pages.

Each custom home page consists of three sections: a header, a body part and a footer. The header and the footer section always span the full width of the browser, while the body section can contain up to three columns (left, middle and right).

Each section can contain zero, one or more tiles. Those tiles will be displayed below each other within the section.

For example, in the screenshot below, the three sections are indicated with a red dotted border. The header section contains a logo, the footer section contains a copyright claim, and the body section contains two columns (left and right, indicated with a green dotted border). The left column contains a single tile with a welcome text, while the right column contains two tiles (with a video and received messages).

For each custom home page, you can specify a number of options:

Assigning custom home pages

You can create several home pages, and then assign home pages at three different levels:

  • at the level of the customer (organisation) — set in the Defaults tab of the Admin section. Note that this also assigns the custom home page to the anonymous users within the customer (see the “Tips, tricks & caveats” below.)

  • at the level of a group of users (often a department) — set in the Defaults tab of that particular group

  • at the level of an individual user — set in the Defaults tab of that particular user, as shown in the screenshot below.

All three levels are combined, so as to determine which custom home page (if any) will be shown for a particular user:

  • First, it will be checked whether a custom home page was assigned at the customer level for the customer (organisation) to which the user belongs.

  • Next, it will be checked whether a custom home page wass assigned to one of the groups of which the user is a member. If one is found, then that custom home page will take precedence over the customer level’s home page.

  • Finally, it will be checked whether a custom home page was assigned to that particular user. If so, then that custom home page will always take precedence over the one assigned at the group or customer level.


  • If no custom home page applies, the default home page will be shown.

  • If a user is a member of multiple groups, and several of those groups have a custom home page assigned to them, then it is unpredictable which home page will actually be shown. This is a scenario you obviously want to avoid.

Tips, tricks and caveats

  • You are strongly advised to open Clause9 in two different browsers: one with the admin account, and one with a user for whom the homepage is being created. You can then easily test the changes you’ve made.

  • Be aware that assigning a custom home page at the level of a customer, also assigns it to the anonymous users within that customer, which will in a lot of cases not be your intention. Of course, you have the possibility to assign a special anonymous-users-only custom home page to the anonymous user accounts. Also, as a precaution, when a custom home page completely lacks a a “magic link” pane, it will not be shown towards anonymous users (to avoid that an external link would become completely broken.)

Last updated