
Parameters are an advanced subject that is only relevant to users who frequently have to draft complex clauses & documents.

Parameters are a tool that can be used in Clause9 grammar to make the use of snippets even more flexible. They function as a kind of placeholder.

Whereas snippets already enable you to replace a piece of text that is used multiple times across a clause or across several clauses/documents, combining snippets with parameters further upgrades the re-usability of a snippet by enabling you to replace the placeholder(s) in a snippet with different input each time you use the snippet.

How to use parameters

Insert the parameter as a placeholder in a snippet

Parameters are written starting with a question mark, followed by a name of your choice in all caps. For example: ?NAME or ?TYPE. Written as such, the parameter should be used in the (internal or external) snippet as a placeholder for input that can be chosen elsewhere (i.e. where the snippet itself is being referenced).

Give the parameter a value in the snippet reference

Without a value, the parameter in the snippet itself will give an error message (the name of the parameter surrounded with a purple background). So to be of any use, it should be assigned a value. That is done in the snippet reference.

The grammar for this is as follows: insert the snippet reference, followed by left parenthesis (. Insert the name of the (first) parameter. To assign it a value, insert := followed by the relevant value. Multiple parameters can be assigned a value in one snippet reference by separating them with a comma. Close the reference off with right parenthesis ). The result looks like this:

  • for an internal snippet: @SNIPPET-REFERENCE(?PARAMETER1 := value1, ?PARAMETER2 := value2)

  • for an external snippet: @#snippet-reference(?PARAMETER1 := value1, ?PARAMETER2 := value2)

(The only difference between these references is the way internal and external snippets themselves are referenced)

Types of values

The parameter can get nearly any value that results in a piece of text. The most important limitations are that a parameter value itself cannot be (i) plain text or (ii) a condition (however, note that use of the @if special function is allowed).

Examples of values:

  • a concept reference

  • a datafield

  • a special function


An example of a very simple notice clause will illustrate this:

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