
In the Assemble Document mode, by default you can see the clauses in the document in their entirety — i.e. the “content body” and title of the clause (when enabled) will be shown.

However, there are situations where you may want to show a different version of the same clause. For example:

  • a non-legally trained user may want to see a summary of a contract

  • a compliance manager requests you to produce a version of the contract in which only non-standard (fallback) clauses are shown, i.e. that omit the standard clauses

  • a law firm partner wants to perform a quality review of a contract, and is only interested in clauses that deviate from the standard template

To account for such situations, Clause9 has a reporting mode which shows (and exports) only those summaries.

As is often the case with Clause9, other approaches may also be suitable for your specific situation.

For example, instead of using the reporting mode, you could also disable clauses (or parts thereof) through datafields and conditions. The special function @reporting is specifically intended for this purpose: you can use it to show/hide elements when (not) in reporting mode. If more granual settings are necessary — e.g., when you want to have different reporting for different audiences — you can opt to create regular datafields that can be used to show/hide/swap elements of text.

Another option could be to manually swap clauses for alternative versions using the alternatives functionality.

For contract reviewing purposes, you may also want to use the comparison functionality of the export that shows all changes vis-à-vis the template.

Viewing the reporting mode

Now select “reporting mode of document”. You will see that only the reporting summaries are now visible. In addition, it is also exactly this view that will be exported as well instead of the full version.

The reporting mode can be turned off again in the exact same way.

Adding reporting to a clause

When editing a clause, select Reporting in the menu on the right hand side. Here you can enter your reporting summary in multiple languages, as necessary.

  • If nothing is entered in the reporting mode, the clause’s regular content will be shown.

  • If you want to hide a clause and all its descendant clauses in the reporting mode, enter a double hyphen (“–“) in the reporting box.

  • If you want to hide a clause but show its descendant clauses in the reporting mode, enter a single hyphen (“-“) in the reporting box. Descendant clauses can nevertheless hide themselves by including a single or double hyphen in their reporting box.

Note that the reporting box only affects the body of the clause. While there is no specific “reporting title” box that allows you to show/hide/alter the clause’s title in the reporting mode, you can show/hide the title of the clause through the @reporting special function.

Last updated